Mar 9, 2016

Peace in the mist of chaos

Motherhood has taught me a lot of things but the one thing I am continually learning is how to slow down and enjoy the little moments. Soaking in the small things that I would other wise over look and realizing that these sweet moments of motherhood are so valuable and these days, hours and years I will never get back.
I am in a season where all my children are littles and need a lot of me and it can be physically and mentally exhausting. To any visitor that comes over ,my life and house could seem a lot like chaos, but in the mist of it all I find joy. Cherishing the little things like the laughter of my children playing together and developing friendships with each other, the sounds of little footsteps running up and down the stairs in the mornings or random hugs and kisses throughout the day. These are the things I want to always remember and never want to take for granted. These are the things that make my heart grow in love a little more and that teach me what life is really all 
Though there  are sleepless nights, many sleepless nights, I wake up in the morning knowing that I have one of the most important jobs in the world. We as mothers are doing the good work and though it is hard it is worth it and this gives me peace . 
When the living room floor is covered in toys and the kitchen sink is filled with dirty dishes I have to remember not to stress and that the life I live can be messy.
  The mess can be cleaned but this time,these moments I can't ever get back . I would rather love my family and children well and have dishes not done than to have a spotless house that has no life,no love, no fun.
So everyday I am learning to slow down enjoy life and live from a place of peace. Knowing that this journey of motherhood has its ups and downs. I don't have to try to control it I just have to let go and roll with it embrace the day and embrace this season.
 Finding peace in the mist of chaos.

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