Dec 5, 2011

Natural Child birth research: 5 things iv learned

These 31 weeks that i have been pregnant so far i have been really been trying to prepare my mind and body to have this baby naturally. When i say Natural i mean 100% natural no pain meds, no interventions. With Mariah i was induced( because my water was broken for 24 hr and i still wasnt having contractions) and then after 7hrs of potocin i got the edpidural , but her birth story is a whole other blog that i will have to do.  We were not able to take a natural child birth class, but i have been doing my own research and i have learned ALOT just by reading books, reading and researching online, watching videos of natural births and learning about the womens body and what it is naturally made to do. The more i learn the more the fear goes away and the more confident i become in my body and what God created it to do.

Did You Know?
  • Labor pains are actually a good pain! when we are in pain we automatically associate pain with something wrong or bad, but when we are in labor our body produces oxytocin which is a chemical that tells our uterus to contract or squeeze and this is where the pain comes from. When in pain you naturally get up and move around in order to cope or ease the pain and when we do this it moves the baby into place, further down and makes the process of labor quicker. Without pain you dont move around and labor takes longer.
  • When you  tense up your muscles you are closing everything up which is the opposite of what your body needs to be doing during labor. You should relax as much as possible allowing your body to open up so the baby can come out
  • Your baby can hear and feel (emotionally) whats going on during labor and delivery! so if your screaming, shouting and fear full your baby is also afraid and  could have a fear of being born, if your at peace and relaxed your baby will be too
  • The worse postion to give bith is laying down on your back you want to be in an upright postion working with gravity
  • Your body was made for this! Even if you dont feel confident or feel like you dont know how to have a baby your body knows just what to do... if your body can carry and nurture  your baby for 9 months it also knows how to get it out. All we have to do is work with our bodies instead of fighting agianst it, let it do what it needs to do
Learned so much more my mind is truely being renewed when is come to child birth yaay
 Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post and your body knows what it is doing. so trust it! Congrats on the baby!



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